Words of Power

“...who being the shining splendor of His glory, and the express image of His essence, and upholding all things by the word of His power, through Himself cleansing of our sins, He sat down on the right of the Majesty on high” (Heb 1:3 ).


1:3: "Upholding all things by the Word of his power"

Christians are often encouraged to say things and to speak the word. But we realize that not much has been changing in their lives, in spite of all the talking. Their problem is not words but power – active power. Paul said the kingdom of God is not in words only but in power. So we must speak from power.

Words without power is mere noise making. Power without words, however, equals to barrenness. It's like a man who is potent but never goes into his wife, yet expects to have children. Therefore a blend of both is important.

But notice that power comes first: "the word of his power". The word originated in the power or, in other words, the word came (was uttered, or sent) only because the power was there. So power is first, not in the sense of pre-existence but of pre-activation. That's why Jesus told the disciples to wait until they were endued with power, before they could proclaim his words (Acts1:8). Thus, we Christians today, knowing that the power lives in us by the Holy Spirit, just need to stir this power up in order to make it active, or else our words will not produce anything big. Eph3:20 says "now unto him who is able to do...according to the power that worketh (from the Greek energeo meaning “active”, that is, stimulated and operative--not dormant) in us". That is why any Christian who doesn't pray and study to stir up or make this power active will never experience the potency of words as intended and made available to us by God. He will speak and very little will happen. Every single person in the history of the Church who has demonstrated the power of God in a great dimension spent a lot of time stirring up this power through prayer and study, primarily. And you are no exception. So I encourage you to do that and when you speak great things will happen.